As a

travel agency in Ecuador

, we want you to know some important information. The majestic

Andes Mountains

are located in

South America

, going all the way from Venezuela to Chile and Argentina. In

Ecuador, the Andean Region

occupies more than 20% of the territory and contains the

Chimborazo Volcano

(20,549.4 ft), which is the highest mountain in the world and is considered the closest point to the sun from the Earth. But this is not the only wonder that the

Andes of Ecuador

have to offer: from vibrant colonial cities to breathtaking landscapes, the area is a treasure to discover.
Highlights Andes
  • Get amazed by the most beautiful landscapes, surrounded by majestic volcanoes and Andes mountains, like the Chimborazo, considered the closest point to the sun from the Earth.
  • You will get in direct contact with the

    Andean culture and communities

  • Immerse yourself in a combination of colonial and modern architecture, full of history, in cities like

    Quito, the capital of Ecuador

    , or Cuenca.
  • Relax in paradisiac hot springs in the middle of generous vegetation like Baños or Papallacta.
  • Enjoy unique places like Mindo, home to over 500 bird species and about 90 butterfly types.
  • Nothing more Ecuadorian than the amazing Haciendas along the entire Cordillera to encounter the true Andes experience.
  • You will be surprised when you visit the middle of the world and feel at the same time in two hemispheres.
Cultural andes tour
Discover the

traditions and culture of Ecuador

in an 8-day tour, crossing the various villages and Andean landscapes. This tour is one of the most complete, in which you can admire the traditions, culture, and cuisine of the Andean highlands.
Gastronomy andes tour
For those who like to discover other cultures, through flavors, this 6-day tour package will give you the opportunity to delight your palate with the

typical Ecuadorian food

from the Andes to the coast.
Adventure andes tour
For those who like to live to the fullest and be charged with adrenaline, the 7-day adventure program with plenty of activities will put your nerves and skills to the test and will immerse you from the cloud forest to the doors of the Amazon, making this the perfect choice.
Haciendas andes tour
If you want to know the tradition and heritage of our ancestors, the colonial haciendas with their activities such as hiking, horseback riding, bonfires, and dances, can make your experience one of the best in the Ecuadorian highlands, especially with your family.
Contact your
travel agency in Ecuador
for more detailed information and
tourist places